Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why Essential Oils

Essential oils act in ways science is only now beginning to understand. Because of their unique structure, they are able to penetrate cell membranes. Because they contain powerful oxygenating molecules, they help transport nutrients into the cells, while moving toxins out. Many are immune enhancing, antiseptic, high in antioxidants, and support the body's natural defenses without the side effects often associated with pharmaceutical medications. They promote overall health, vitality, and longevity. And they support the immune, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, digestive, nervous, and other body systems.

Essential oils are the life-blood of the plant, protecting it from bacterial and viral infections, cleansing breaks in its tissue and delivering oxygen and nutrients into the cells. In essence, they act as the immune system of the plant — without them, plants could not survive.

When applied to the human body, they have a similar action – such as transporting valuable nutrients to the cells; increasing oxygen intake and digesting toxic waste in the blood. This is because the three primary elements — carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are common to both human beings and essential oils. This shared chemistry makes essential oils one of the most compatible of all plant substances with human biochemistry.

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